When clients come to me with health issues, many after exhausting standard healthcare protocols, there are usually energetic blockages at the root. At the beginning of their journey to understanding the nature of their energetic body, it is helpful to have an experienced practitioner help them remove these blocks in a safe and caring environment. I believe that while I love providing energetic healing, taking care of the energetic self requires daily practice – and sadly, I can’t be there every day. So, I love to empower anyone I meet and especially my clients with simple tools to keep their energy health at the optimum flow. 

Here are some self administered tips for getting stuck subtle energy moving (try saying that 3x fast!):

1. Deep breathing and relaxation:

Start by taking slow, deep breaths, focusing on your breath and consciously relaxing your body. Deep breathing can help calm the mind and release tension, allowing the energy to flow more freely. 

It’s important to note, that while deep breathing practices are good for relieving stress, correct breathing in your daily life is just as important. Unfortunately, as we age we start breathing more with our neck and shoulders (breathing up) which contributes to tension and anxiety. If you engage both your diaphragm and your chest while breathing (breathing out) it can help you to sleep better, aids with digestion, and can even reduce anxiety. With practice, this will become more natural to you. Our breath is kinda like food! We digest air to give us energy. We need to give those organs room to do their job.

The Physiological Sigh

This breathing technique is so quick and simple, it allows you to calm down even if you are in the midst of a stressful situation.

Reduce Anxiety & Stress with the Physiological Sigh | Huberman Lab Quantal Clip

The Correct Way to Breathe In

Watch this quick video to learn the correct way to breathe in.

The correct way to breathe in

2. Movement and exercise:

Engaging in physical activities such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong can help stimulate and circulate energy throughout the body. Gentle stretches, flowing movements, and specific energy exercises can be particularly effective. Remember – Western exercise is mostly about making us look good – bigger muscles, tighter butts! Eastern based exercises are all about keeping your energy flowing.

Daily Qigong Routine

I love this routine as it combines Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine (DER) with some basic Qigong. Save these in your YouTube account in a playlist such as Energy Therapy so you can easily access it.


Homolateral Repatterning

This is a great routine for making sure your energies are crossing over from side to side. Sometimes due to trauma and other life stresses and fatigue, your body gets stuck with each side not communicating with the other. Prune Harris has many other videos to help keep your energy flowing optimally.

Homolateral repatterning

3. Meditation and visualization:

Practice meditation to quiet the mind and create a focused awareness of your energy. Visualize the energy moving smoothly and freely through your body, envisioning any blockages or stagnant areas being cleared away. If you feel something tight or painful, just acknowledge it, ask it to let go and leave your body. I like to visualize it washing through my body with golden light and out my feet to be absorbed by the earth.

Energy Protection and Aura Cleansing

This is one of my favorite energy cleansing videos. It’s only 11 minutes long and her voice is very soothing! 


Sound and vibration: Experiment with sound therapy, such as using singing bowls, tuning forks, humming or chanting. The vibrations and frequencies produced by these tools can help dislodge stagnant energy and restore balance.

Note of warning – many of the metal singing bowls you find online are machine made and just don’t sound very good – they are tinny sounding and don’t have long vibrations. In my opinion – it’s better to buy handmade bowls that you have played with in person. Although, since I am such an introvert, I took the risk of getting them online and I have had success from this Etsy Shop. One of my favorite bowls is from them. 

Conscious Nitric Oxide Humming Andi & Jonathan Goldman

This video explains some of the health benefits of humming.

Conscious Nitric Oxide Humming Andi & Jonathan Goldman

OM SO HUM Mantra sung by CHOIR

This is a great video just to meditate to and chant along with these powerful voices. OM SO HUM. Om Soham ~ I am the universe, I am part of it, I am connected to that Infinite source.

OM SO HUM Mantra sung by CHOIR ** EXTREMELY POWERFUL ** Mantra Meditation Music ॐ M1012

4. Nature and grounding:

Spend time in nature, connecting with the earth’s energy. Walking barefoot on grass or soil, hugging trees, or sitting by a flowing stream can help ground and align your energy.

5. Emotional release:

Acknowledge and express your emotions in a healthy way. Suppressed emotions can contribute to energy blockages. Journaling, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, or engaging in practices like emotional freedom technique (EFT) can aid in releasing emotional energy. Sikara Healing also provides guided meditation to help release emotions as well as Narrative Touch Therapy. Narrative Touch Therapy is a technique I developed that combines Reiki with processing past and future memories to remove negative thinking at its roots and bring you closer to your true self, your soul, your essence.

How to Use Tapping to Calm Anxiety Tutorial

This is a very simple EFT (tapping) technique that you can use as a quick tool to calm your nervous system down. This technique is working with meridians which are part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

How to Use Tapping to Calm Anxiety Tutorial | HealthyPlace

Remember that everyone’s energetic experiences are unique, and what works for one person may not work the same for another. It’s essential to explore and experiment with different approaches to find what resonates best with you. If you have concerns about your energy or feel persistent blockages, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a qualified energy practitioner or healthcare professional.

If you need a boost to get you going on your energetic health journey, book an appointment with Sikara Healing. 🙂