Q & A
What is Energy Therapy?
Energy therapy is a category of complementary holistic therapies that is meant to balance and maintain the health of your electromagnetic fields in your body. This is accomplished with a variety of therapies. Some therapies are self administered in the form of slow moving, stretching exercises. The more familiar exercises include: qigong, taichi, and restorative yoga. Some entrepreneurs/healers have branded their own energy healing modalities like: Touch for Health and Eden Energy Medicine. Practitioner-administered therapies include: Acupuncture, Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, and also Touch for Health and Eden Energy Medicine.
For full disclosure, one recent research paper acknowledged over 250 different energy therapies. Yet, all of these follow ancient forms of medicine, including Chinese Medicine, Indigenous Medicine, Ayurveda, and others, which find their roots in a non-physical energy system which include meridians, chakras, and a biofield.
What is it not?
Disclaimer: Energy healing, Shamanic healing, crystal and sound healing as well as Reiki are considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.
The therapy I facilitate is NOT A MASSAGE. You are fully clothed in comfortable clothing throughout the entire session.
What is the difference between Energy Therapy and Somatic Energy Therapy?
Energy therapy and somatic energy therapy are both alternative approaches to healing that focus on the body’s energy fields. However, there are some differences between the two:
Energy therapy is a broad category of healing modalities that work with the body’s energy fields to promote health and well-being. This can include techniques like Reiki, acupuncture, and qi gong, among others. Energy therapy is often focused on restoring balance to the body’s energy fields, which is believed to promote healing and alleviate a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.
Somatic energy therapy is a specific type of energy therapy that focuses on the body’s physical sensations and movements to release and heal energy blocks. You can think of this as cleaning your energy. This can include techniques like somatic experiencing, body psychotherapy, and certain types of yoga. At Sikara Healing, we focus on Somatic Energy Healing with a combination of Reiki, Sound Therapy, Guided Meditation, and Narrative Touch Therapy. Somatic energy therapy works with the mind-body connection to help individuals release tension, trauma, and other emotional and physical stressors that can manifest in the body as energy blocks.
In summary, energy therapy is a broader category of techniques that work with the body’s energy fields, while somatic energy therapy is a specific type of energy therapy that focuses on the body’s physical sensations and movements.
Why would you ever get your Energy Cleansed?
Ancient healers believed that all disease starts in a human’s energy field or biofield. An unhealthy biofield will eventually show up as disease. By keeping your energy flowing – one can optimize their quality of life. Imagine a dark swamp vs a free flowing clear river. One is a breeding ground for bacteria and disease and the other can supply drinking water or exhilarating rapid rides.
Is there any proof of this?
Traditional Chinese Medicine has acknowledged the meridians (human energy pathways) for around 5000 years and the western world is finally catching on.
There is technology that can detect these subtle energies (as coined by Einstein) and developed by Beverly Rubick.
Reiki has been extensively researched and omits higher outcomes than placebo effects.

If you ever want to understand how a humans hands can impact another humans energy field – this video explains how electrical currents don’t stay within their cords or wires like most of us understand it to be.
Most of us think electricity acts similar to how a hose transfers water, but this is incorrect. Electricity moves due to the fields that surround it.
Also – don’t most humans just naturally feel good when some people hug them and not so much by others? We already know we can feel other’s energy intuitively.
What do I actually do? (Placed in order of most used)
You are fully clothed, laying face down or face up on a massage table. I play binaural beats or other relaxing sounds.
Together we set an intention. Intentions are very important as they help communicate with your subconscious mind – which has been said to run up to 90% of your life.
Intentions can be in the form or an affirmation, a mantra, a prayer or a statement. You write this down on a piece of paper to keep this with you during the session.
I use my hands, placed along the chakras, meridians and acupressure points to help clear energy blocks in your biofield. I practice Reiki and other modalities that use a light touch (this is not a massage).

I also use Tibetan singing bowls – I play them around and on your body.
What do Tibetan singing bowls actually do?
Watch this video to see what sound does to water. Since our bodies are approximately 60% water – the vibrations carry through our entire bodies.

I use gongs, drums, chimes, rainmakers and shakers, crystal pyramids and various other sound healing instruments.
I use these tools to help get stuck energies/emotions out sometimes by surprising your energetic system and other times by providing relaxation so your body can do what it does naturally – heal.

I use tuning forks on and around the body. Tuning forks create a targeted vibration and help your body to vibrate as a whole instead of with disconnected parts.
This is a great video that explains how they work.
This video explains how a session may look.
Sometimes we talk about casual topics, sometimes you just relax or even fall asleep, sometimes you can use the session to meditate and process issues on your own.
If you have deeper issues, we work together through Guided Meditation or Past and Future Life Story Visualizations to get these issues out of your body where they can cause sickness, stress and unwanted behaviors.
Talking while having an energy session can be incredibly therapeutic and you can learn or think about issues in a new light because your body gets into a theta state. Children’s brains are in a theta state until about the age of 13. Being in a theta state allows learning to happen at a deep level. This video explains what a theta state is and how you can reprogram your mind by taking advantage of this brain state.

Lastly, I incorporate crystals which aid in negative energy clearing and energy balancing. I find that while many people find crystals beautiful, not many can feel the energy from them. In such a case, I leave this up to you whether or not you want crystals to be part of your session.
Crystals can be used as an energy balancer. Like black stones absorb the sun’s rays and are hotter than white stones, black stones can help to absorb any negative energy and transmute it to more useful neutral energy.
Scientifically, we know crystals have electromagnetic properties, which is why they are used in mobile phones, TVs, computers and other electronics. This video shows some of the science, history and uses of crystals.
What do people say?
I’ve had a wide spectrum of reactions. On the high end, people have experienced intense trauma releases and finally let go of painful childhood abandonment. On the low end, some have been able to take the monkey brain chatter from a 10 to a 3, which was still a feat for that particular person who has ADHD.
One man was able to visit his childhood farm without being overcome with intense negative emotions for the first time since leaving home. The session was seemingly uneventful but he talked a lot about his childhood. While he felt remarkably lighter directly after the session, the shift showed up later on that week during a visit to his childhood home.
This text message was from a woman who is in her late sixties.

What has my experience been?
I started my healing journey with an energy healer named Cathy in Tucson, Arizona. She helped heal some deep childhood wounds I realized were barely healed after 30 years of traditional talk therapy. After 4 months time from my initial session with Cathy – I was able to go completely off all pharmaceuticals. Where I thought my symptoms were due to ADHD – they were mostly due to complex ptsd and most of them have disappeared or lessened greatly due to energy therapies.
After encouragement from Cathy (as she felt I had the healer’s touch), I took the intro class for Energy Medicine by Eden Energy Medicine which is described as acupuncture without the needles. Something was missing and I was drawn to be a Reiki and I have since become a Reiki Master. Because every person responds to energy therapy modalities so differently, I was called to take an immersive sound healing course, a conscious healing course, hypnosis foundational course, introductions to crystal healing and am working on a coaching method for unblocking chakras.
I hope this gives you an idea of how I can work with you to help you raise your vibrations.