*Edward, an intelligent, hard working man came to me with a history of debilitating migraines, where nothing was able to subdue them other than heavy medications nor could he figure out what was causing them. 

Some Healthy Skepticism

When I described energy healing, he was skeptical, but he was willing to try it. The first session was unremarkable, although he talked nonstop (Edward has ADHD). He didn’t feel any different, “Maybe a bit lighter.”

Within a few days, he started feeling a shift in his head pains. 

We started having sessions regularly every 2-3 weeks and each time he spoke a little less and allowed the energy to flow. The time between allows the body to adjust to the releasing of stale energy and gives the body a chance to practice bringing new energy in. 

Energy Release

During session 4, we both felt a perceptible “poof” of energy come off of his head. We exclaimed together, “did you feel that?” After that session, the migraines decrease significantly. 

Other sessions, I was drawn to his left hip and put a significant amount of energy healing into that area. This area has also shown improvement. 

Today – I only see him when he feels the need – which hasn’t been for 3 months right now. 

I take that as success. If a client can self-heal, that is the ultimate goal.