*Judy was initially just curious about energy therapy. She has an open mind and likes to try new soul opening experiences. After the first session she found how many childhood wounds were living in her and had an awareness that they could be affecting her ability to find a partner that would treat her well and connect with her on a deep level in various ways. Through several somatic therapy treatments, she received deep soul healing that cleared emotional wounds. Within weeks of one particular session, she was able to let go of a troubled relationship that was holding her hostage and keeping her from being her true, carefree self.

She is now happy to live her life with her children and wonderful friends and a rewarding career. Now that those old traumatic vibrations are gone, she will be able to attract a positive, supportive partner if and when that opportunity arises. And she will be able to explore her relationships without the burden of the past clouding her judgment.

This is Judy’s story in her own words.

I have attended 7 sessions with Camille, each lasting 1 1/2-2 hours and using a combination of sound healing, Reiki, meditation and Narrative Touch therapy.  Each session starts out slowly, with the energy building until something very significant comes to surface.  For me, each session focused on different areas of healing. Although sometimes related, I had different healing goals in mind.  Each time, I was able to release traumas and body pains related to my area of intention. Twice, additional traumas surfaced and I was able to release these. 

After several sessions of release, I experienced an amazing self forgiveness, love and intention to hold my own soul in its highest light. I embraced my childhood traumas and authentically saw myself as my own inner mother, my own caretaker, my own powerful guide. 

As a result of these multiple sessions, I have experienced significant soul healing. I feel lighter, more free, less anxious and more confident with who I choose to be and how I choose to live my life.

Camille is quite gifted! She senses your energy, touching and releasing areas of your body instinctively.  Questioning and commenting around ideas that you need to address during the session in a gentle way, that also leads you to releasing any difficulty. She has truly given me the priceless gift of healing precious parts of my body and soul.  I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to receive!

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.