Healing Hands

Hands glowing with light

Healing energy flows forth

Transforming pain to peace.


I was introduced to energy therapy through a documentary on Reiki in 1995. My boyfriend at the time was scheduled for knee surgery due to a snowboarding accident and I thought – why not try this technique on him? I did – and he didn’t need surgery anymore. 28 years later he is now looking into surgery again but that was after many years of cycling and running.  

I didn’t think too much of it at the time. I thought it made sense logically. Why wouldn’t human touch be healing? I was so young I didn’t understand the profound impact of what had happened. I continued to use healing touch with my friends and family. Although, I became painfully aware of the limitations of healing touch when my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. While my touch was comforting – she eventually succumbed to the disease. Then my mom died of brain cancer. Sadly, these experiences turned me off from energy therapy for a period of time. While Reiki and other forms of energy therapy have been shown to slow down cancer cells, curing full blown cancer is kinda like trying to chop a tree down with a butter knife.

I now realize the importance of maintaining energetic wellness. Keeping our bodies free from trapped emotional stress and trauma through mind-body work such as Reiki, Sound Therapy, Meditation, Practicing Mindfulness, Yoga and Qigong will help us to avoid dis-ease in the first place. It has been estimated that up to 90% of diseases are due to stress. 

In my practice I help my clients understand the importance of energetic wellness while helping them to heal from their past. 

The School Of Life


  • I was raised Mormon in a family of 7 kids in the country. 
  • I grew up with very little – my husband always teased me that I grew up in the 1970s but it was like the 1870’s. I lived without running water for a period of my childhood – that sort of thing. 
  • I took a big part in raising my younger siblings. When I was about the same age as this photo, I was helping my mother grocery shop. I was holding my little sister with a big grocery cart at the check out. A lady standing next to my mom exclaimed, “they are having them younger and younger now a days!” My mom responded, “she is my daughter, holding my other daughter!”

Work Life

  • I put myself through interior design school while raising my sweet son and working a part time job. I quickly paid off my student loans and bought a little house that I renovated, then renovated a few more. 
  • I switched careers and learned how to design software, then became the COO of an award winning software company that I built with my husband. 
  • I tried my hand at making a business with custom pottery. 
  • I’ve written and published a few children’s books to help inspire budding female entrepreneurs.

Family and Faith

  • I have been a single mom. 
  • It was during that time I lost my faith in religion and experienced the darkness of just living on this planet. 
  • While I lost my faith in religion – I gained spirituality and understand that while religion isn’t what I thought it was, I still appreciate the happiness and fulfillment it can bring to the lives of my fellow mankind. 
  • My most awesomest experience has been raising my 4 soul children and creating a life with my soulmate, Michael. 






I’m an Emotional and Intuitive empath

Emotional empaths pick up on others feelings while intuitive empaths experience life with extraordinary perception. 

While I used to think being an empath was a curse, by learning Reiki and thus how to channel energy for healing – I can now use this force for good. Every session is a little different as I go where your body leads me. I have been told many times that I put my hands in the right place just at the right time to soothe a pain, discomfort or emotional upset. 

Education – I’m a Lifelong Learner

I received a degree in Interior Design from Mount Royal University.

I organically learned Software Design when I co-founded a software company. 

I eventually became the COO, managing the financial, project operations and human resources areas of the company.

I have my Masters in Reiki in the Usui tradition. 

I have taken two sound healing courses: An online course with Vicki Gould, the other a condensed in person course with Master Sound Healer Shervin Boloorian who lives and teaches in Bali. 

I have taken various other online courses from Conscious Healing to Breathwork to Tapping. Everything I learn is with a goal to understand how to help others heal themselves with their own innate systems.

My Awakening

How did I get here? I’m not like the typical energy healers I have met who have taken on the call to heal and spiritually serve since they were young. I spent almost fifty years ignoring my spiritual gifts because I was too afraid of all the things I felt from other humans. 

When deciding on a career – I considered getting educated as a psychologist and even a massage therapist – but I didn’t think I could handle being that closely intimate with people. So, I got a degree in Interior Design, which was another passion of mine. I thought I could improve the lives of others in a different way – with beautiful, comfortable spaces. I loved being an interior designer, but after 10 years I had the opportunity to build a software company from scratch with my husband. I jumped into the world of custom software for the iPhone. Fast forward another 10 years and we sold our company. 

I’ve got business in my blood – and thought I would try and make a business out of art. My neighbor invited me to a pottery class and I was suddenly obsessed with clay. I found myself buzzing with creative juices which was very addicting. But it didn’t last. I learned two things about myself: 

  1. I couldn’t get obsessed about art. When I was younger – art served a purpose for me. It was an emotional outlet and the art I made was therapeutic or it was a gift and I put my love into it. Making art for money was something I just couldn’t do. And I hit walls time after time where I couldn’t motivate myself. 
  2. I realized I actually really like working with people. I really didn’t like the solitude day after day of being in my studio. 

Shortly after this realization – I experienced a personal shock which resurfaced all the traumas I’ve had over my life. You see, 30 years of therapy barely scratched the surface of my traumas. Which was one of the reasons I didn’t pursue being a Psychologist. My experience led me to believe that just talking to someone could not heal deep emotional wounds.

Miraculously, I was led to a wonderful energy healer located in Tucson, Arizona – Cathy Thurman. She focuses on getting stuck, stubborn trauma out of bodies. After 2 months of little to no sleep (even with some of the best pharmaceuticals) and crying every day – I was able to sleep after the very first session. I was able to uncover a deep trauma from when I was 5 years old. Something I buried deep in my psyche and my tiny body. The therapy released a heavy weight I had felt on my chest for 44 years. I could breathe again.

In April 2022, my husband and I had Cathy join us in San Diego for a week-long intensive – helping both of us push even more emotional demons out of our bodies. It was during this week that I made a soul contract to help others. In one particular session, Cathy helped me release another trauma and I eventually got in a very deep meditative state. I felt a presence in the room, I thought maybe it was my sister or my mother who had passed. Eventually, I came to recognize it was my soul, who had fragmented from me due to the shocks of my traumas. It was wanting to rejoin, but only if I made a promise to help others.

I could believe in this type of therapy – that people could actually get better. So, I agreed. 

And thus was the birth of my journey to help others heal through energy.

What did my soul look like?

She was a curvy woman with a body of a galaxy, she had flowing fire hair and eyes the shape of a half moon, glowing white. She was pretty cool.