As Cathy began the soul retrieval session, she saw a ball of light floating in the air. She knew it was a sign that the spirits were present in this journey but she also knew it was best not to tell me as to not influence my own visualizations.
More than an hour later, as the healing continued and various trapped emotions left my body over and over again, I began to feel a presence in the room. I felt it so strongly and thought in my head, “is this my mom? Is this my sister?”
As the session continued, it came to me that the presence was actually my own soul, which had become fractured and damaged due to the multiple traumas I had experienced in my life. I didn’t know soul fracturing was even a thing at the time. My soul spoke to me, telling me that it wanted to come back, but only if I was willing to make a promise. I needed to promise to help others heal.
I agreed to help heal others in the same way I had been healed and my soul promised she would return to me. My soul had long orange hair flowing like a fire, glowing half-moon eyes, with a curvy body of a galaxy. I felt a sense of love and connection that I had never experienced before.
When the session was over, I nervously told Cathy that I felt there was something else in the room as I was so unsure of what I had just experienced. She then shared that she saw a light in the room as she has been seeing spirits since she was a child. Cathy tries to keep her sessions about removing trauma from the body as so many westerners are skeptical about professionals talking about ‘ghosts’.
As I shared my experience with her, it became clear that I had experienced a soul retrieval. Souls can become fractured due to trauma and loss and the person can experience a multitude of symptoms from PTSD to depression. I had clearly given up on my soul during one particular break I had. That story can be told another time. But during an altered state of consciousness, which a deep energy healing session can provide, you can find your soul, and negotiate a return. Which I did. Shamanic practices have rituals around soul retrievals. You can read about them here.
Even though this was such a powerful experience, only a few days later, I felt a sense of doubt, wondering if I had only imagined the entire experience and if I was really meant to help heal others. These visions were entirely new to me, and I didn’t understand then about consciousness and how clearing the ego out allows us to connect with source.
These self doubts continued until I went to a women’s day retreat a few months later and pulled an oracle card featuring the medicine woman Ixchel. My heart felt full of love and gratitude. Gratitude for the patient reminder that confirmed the truth of the soul retrieval experience.