by sikarahealing | Aug 31, 2023 | Journal
*Judy was initially just curious about energy therapy. She has an open mind and likes to try new soul opening experiences. After the first session she found how many childhood wounds were living in her and had an awareness that they could be affecting her ability to...
by sikarahealing | Aug 1, 2023 | About Somatic Energy Therapy
People have a variety of reactions after an energy session. Some people feel bliss, some feel extremely relaxed and ready for a nap, and some feel very tired. For some people who have a lot of stuck energy and past traumas, feeling very tired after an energy healing...
by sikarahealing | Jun 1, 2023 | About Somatic Energy Therapy
Narrative Touch Therapy is a term I coined to describe a type of therapy I found to be very effective for my Clients. It is a form of Somatic Therapy which works to connect the mind with the body. Somatic is a Greek word for relating to the body. Somatic therapy is a...
by sikarahealing | Apr 24, 2023 | Journal
*Jessica was a social butterfly who had a wide circle of friends who adored her. Whatever she tackled, she tackled it head on and with a force to be reckoned with. Good enough was never enough for her. Whether she was hosting thanksgiving dinner, arranging playdates...
by sikarahealing | Mar 6, 2023 | About Somatic Energy Therapy
A Brief Explanation Guided meditation is a type of meditation in which an individual is led through a series of visualizations or spoken instructions by a trained practitioner, teacher, or a pre-recorded audio guide. The purpose of guided meditation is to help...